Bid Specifications

Below is information that may be used while filling out specifications during a required bid process.

A. Stage 1 Pneumatic Cleaning Machine (TrapBlaster) must have:

  • Bi-directional cleaning for DPFs and DOCs (catalyst)
  • Dual scanning air knives with a minimum of 120 CFM or 3400 liters per minute/ 100 PSI or 7 Bar dry air delivered to TrapBlaster addressing both ends of the DPF simultaneously
  • Automatic cleaning mode with timer that activates signal light to alert operator the timer has expired and to observe if cleaning has completed
  • On-the-fly electronically controlled manual override to allow custom cleaning on specific areas of the DPF if needed
  • Hold the DPF vertically during cleaning to take advantage of gravity and dust collector air direction
  • A window allowing the operator to see the ash exiting the DPF to confirm when the cleaning process is completed
  • Diagnostic feature shall be built into the cleaning action allowing the detection of failed cells, cracks and defective filters
  • An upper and lower window with internal lights allowing the operator to observe filter cleaning and potential bypass
  • Complete set of adapter plates to accommodate DPF ranging from 6” to 16” diameter
  • Adjustable to clean DPFs up to 36” long or as small as 6” in length
  • The nozzle travel distance shall be 14″ and can be used on either radius or diameter
  • An adjustable nozzle system that allows cleaning under filter flanges and into recessed cavities
  • Electronically controlled adjustment for DPF height
  • Variable speed rotation of the DPF during the cleaning cycle

B. Stage 2 Thermal Regeneration (TrapBurner) must have:

  • Pre-programmed and reprogrammable controller that can be adjusted by the contractor
  • Pre-programmed bake cycles that meet OEM specifications
  • Uses ambient air; no air pumped into DPF during bake cycle
  • Expandable to accommodate two or three DPF per bake cycle
  • Fume collection duct to remote dust collector
  • One-touch program selection
  • Top loading to allow for use of overhead jib boom or crane

C. Testing and Certification Equipment (TrapTester) must have:

  • Test flow bench shall have a minimum airflow of 850 CFM
  • Measurement shall be in inches of water column (w.g.) of pressure across the DPF
  • Published baselines of most DPF’s on the market for comparison during the testing
  • Established flow criteria to determine when a DPF is completed or if it needs Stage 2 cleaning

D. Dust Collection System (SootSucker) must have:

  • Two-stage filtration system that includes a primary and HEPA filter
  • Minimum of 1400 CFM with new filters
  • Primary filter that has a minimum efficiency of 100% at 3.46 to 8.37 Microns
  • HEPA filter rated to 99.97% efficient to 0.3 Microns
  • Self cleaning pulse jet to keep primary filter lasting about 300 DPF cleanings
  • Quick release foot pedal dust collection bucket for ease of disposal